Firstly we started off at the Two-Barred Crossbills a bird which despite having been present for nearly three months I hadn't really bothered to go and see! However we did go and at first the birds weren't on view but we did have good views of Common Crossbill, Siskin, Nuthatch & Goldcrest. After about an hours wait we decided to move on and check out Weeting too see if any stone curlews where hanging around. As we arrived the car park was locked up and it wasn't looking too promising, we pulled up on the side of the road and cut in through a gap in the trees, at the hides at least 10 Lapwing where about but alas no sign of stone curlew. They must have already moved on.. Whilst walking back to the car we picked up on a couple of calling Wood lark a very welcoming bird for Matt.
We decided to have one final stab at the Crossbills and after a 10 minute or so wait the birds eventually came into view, in the form of two stunning male TWO-BARRED CROSSBILLS a lifer for both me and Matt. We obtained distant but good views.
Distant but very nice to see |
Our final destination was Titchwell and favoured site of mine, at this point it was getting fairly late in the evening but there was still plenty too see! We headed straight to Patsy's Pool and had very good distant views of two 'bobbing' Jack Snipe.
Takes some imagination. Can you find both birds? |
After getting great views of the snipe we moved on to the first pool which was alive with birds: Curlew Sandpipers, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Teals, Wigeon, Avocet, Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Black & Bar Godwits, Golden & Grey Plovers. It was truly quite an amazing sight! However the highlight was either the female Marsh Harrier which flew directly over head, or the incredibly close but brief view of a female Merlin.
Merlin |
A very good but exhausting day, the winds next week look perfect for migrants so here's hoping for next week!
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